
On my own.

Hello! As many of you know, I JUST GRADUATED COLLEGE! WOW.

Seriously? Where has the time gone? The saying rings true, time sure does fly when you are having fun. I do have to say, college was not all fun and games. I was challenged in every way possible in college through many different leadership positions, involvement in clubs and organizations and life's generic curveballs and those are the times that I really am grateful for. I am so happy and exhilarated to be done but at the same time I have been so nostalgic and sad. This feeling has been more bitter than sweet... but why?

To be real with you, when you actually leave college, you are just as fragile and scared as you are coming into it. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I have grown so much from my four years getting that B.A. degree but I also feel the enormous amount of pressure of knowing for the first time ever - I am truly on my own. Life got real, real fast. You spend so much of your life learning and I mean, how blessed are we to be able to have such easy access to education? It's an incredible gift we have, but then it's over before you know it and I think what I am learning most as I sit her in a "post-grad depression" is that the learning will not stop. All of the years that I sat in a classroom and applied basic knowledge that later became advanced practices, from the multiplication tables to the all nighters we spent studying for tests - they were all training us for this very time in my life. At this time in my life, I will no longer have a direct "teacher" who provides me with material to learn, but it is up to me to decide what I want to dive into and learn for myself... on my own. 

If this is the case, is being on my own truly that bad? 

I decided to make some post-grad goals for myself to really get the ball rolling. If I was going to start this whole "learning on my own" thing, then I need to do it right. 

First and foremost, I want to keep my mind focused on my major, Mass Communication. With all this job searching and with my mind going a million miles a minute, I need to make sure I am keeping up with the latest and greatest in the field and keeping my mind sharp to be the best I can be. 

1. Stay Mass Comm focused. 

Whether this means I keep up with writing a blog once a week or just reading up on the latest social media trend blogs, keeping my mind focused on what I love and learning more about the degree I earned, could get me farther than I am on this journey to adulthood.

2. Learn how to make at least three meals by heart.

Shamelessly, I am not the best cook. For some reason, it just is not a natural skill for me no matter how much Food Network I watch daily. (Trust me, it's a lot.) I am hoping that my time at home will provide me with great resources and the budget (thanks mom and dad!) to learn how to cook, not one - BUT THREE different meals and actually have the outcome be edible. 


The amount of time I had in college to sit back, relax and cozy up with a nice book was NON-EXISTENT. 

(let me tell y'all that in this short amount of time I have already re-established my presence and have been a book fiend)

I have so many more big dreams and goals that I'll have to share in a later blog because I have put this one off for quite some time but stick with me! I promise it'll be fun :) 


Madie Thomas